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Based in Bangkok, Belgian independent photojournalist Thierry Falise has covered South-East Asia and beyond since the late eighties, reporting FEATURES AND NEWS for Gamma, LightMediation, News Pictures, LightRocket and Getty photo agencies. In 2003, TV colleague Vincent Reynaud and Falise were arrested in Laos after completing a forbidden story on a Hmong minority waiting for the return of its former American ally. Sentenced to 15 years of prison, the two reporters were released after five weeks in jail thanks to an international solidarity campaign.

Falise also works as a WRITER, PHOTOGRAPHER OR CONSULTANT on corporate, NGOs, traveling and institutional assignments and delivers conferences on Burma/Myanmar to private or institutional organisations upon request.

He has published BOOKS in French : a novel, “Les Petits Généraux de Yadana” (Anne Carrière Editions, 2005), the first biography in French of Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi, “Le jasmin ou la lune” (Florent Massot Editions, 2007), a document on the cyclone Nargis, “Le châtiment des rois” (Florent Massot, 2009) and in "Pris au piège" he tells the story of the 13 young Thai football players trapped in a cave in 2018 (Massot Editions, 2018). He has also produced three picture books, “Burmese Shadows”, a book covering 25 years of reporting Burma (McNidder & Grace, 2012), "Pigeon Blood Valley, on the trail of Mogok's famed Burmese ruby" (co-authored with Adolf Peretti, GRS 2016) and "Magnificent Green, on the trail of the legendary Colombian emerald" (co-authored with Adolf Peretti, GRS 2017).

He has produced a few series of WATERCOLORS, some of them being the property of private GRS Foundation.  

His reportage (photos, text) appeared in a number of PUBLICATIONS such as:

Courrier International, L’Express, Le Figaro Magazine, Le Monde, Long Cours, Grands Reportages, Libération, Marie-Claire, Marie-France, Le Nouvel Observateur, Le Point, Paris-Match, Point de Vue, VSD, XXI (France),  Amica, Bild Am Sontag, Der Spiegel, Die Wel (Germany), La Reppublica, Sette (Italy), Expresso, Revista (Portugal), El Mundo, El Pais (Spain), Aftonbladet, Tre Mag (Sweden), Le Soir (Belgium), Fémina, L’Illustré, La Tribune de Genève (Switzerland), The Mail On Sunday, Maxim, Now, The Sunday Times, The Telegraph Magazine (United Kingdom), Newsweek, New York Times, Talk, Time, World Policy Journal (USA).

- TELEVISION, RADIO news reporting and producing for TV5 Monde, Télévision Suisse Romande, FR24, M6, RTBf.

- NON EDITORIAL CLIENTS: ActionAid, Care, Global Fund, ILO, IOM, PublicisLive, SOS International, UNDP, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNICEF,  WHO.

- CONSULTANCY and WORKSHOPS for private foundations on peace building and media in Myanmar-Burma.

thierry falise

Photo-journalist, author