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A picture book covering 25 years or reporting Burma, published by in 2012.
“Stunning photographs (...) bewildering diverse. A testament to a thrilling and varied career on the front line of Burmese history." The Independent
12 Chapters

thierry falise

FROM BABELS TO BUDDHAS - Military, monks and making merit
HOW MANY WIVES ? - Missionary men and rebel spirits

THE COPPER CHILD - Hard lives and daily struggles

POPPIES AND PILLS - Drugs, guns and the Golden Triangle

SCORCHED EARTH - Wrath and rebellion in ethnic territories

HUMANITARIAN COMMANDOS - Medical care in the black zones

BAPTISM OF FIRE - Ethnic armies

LITTLE GENERALS - Child soldiers


THERE WILL BE THOUSANDS - The 2007 monks’ uprising

LOCKED IN HER MIND - Cyclone Nargis

FOREIGN CLIMES - The Burmese diaspora
Photo-journalist, author