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LE ROI DES AUTRES (The King of the Others)
Blaise Donetti is a young man with an unremarkable past who embraces his solitude and melancholy. His work in the maps and plans department of a large library is the extension of his childhood fascination for the “primitive” peoples of the planet. His only family is an uncle, a retired sailor, who entrusts him one evening with an old notebook about the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
The gift ignites an urgent desire to explore the wild lands covered with thick forests and bordered by endless beaches and mangroves. This is forbidden territory, part of the kingdom of those “other” people, the Jarawas, a tribe of hunters and gatherers hostile to every foreign incursion since the dawn of time. The rhythmic life of the sun, the moon and the stars will be disrupted by a series of events.
The adventure of a young Westerner intertwines with that of a Bengali prisoner deported to Port Blair penal colony 150 years earlier. In this story, we also discover the fate of a people who have preserved, until the beginning of the 21 st century, a way of life that is thousands of years old, and whose extinction seems inevitable. Like a metaphor of our destiny on Earth...
A NEW NOVEL (in French)
history of the Jawara people
history of the British colony of Port Blair
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Editions Château d'Encre
Phone +1 514 316-5450
thierry falise
Photo-journalist, author